The last few weeks has been a great journey!
Madison has begun to settle a little and get back to her regular two nap schedule, as well as sleeping through the night again, which is great! She hasn't been consistent at that since she was so sick for February and March, but she has slept every night through since we arrived here Monday. (Hopefully this doesn't jinx it!) She became very clingy and emotional the last week, and although she is still clingy, she's beginning to return to her outgoing little center of attention around the camp. She also has another cold, which will hopefully end soon. Her cough is starting to get that breaking up sound, so praying it is almost done running its course.
We are finally here is the middle of the middle of nowhere, Texas. It is beautiful, but a different kind of beauty then the NC and TN hills I am used while working at camps. Aaron has started working some half days with the old director, gleaning as much as he can. But, the old director is packing up his home and moving in about ten days, so he is also a little extra busy with that. Aaron has really appreciated the time he has had with Jason, and I am sure they will be staying in contact, especially as the new walkabout season begins in the fall. Aaron is already having to make some pretty big decisions on student applications for the fall. It's not easy to decide who can come and who can't. But there are some amazing opportunities with different churches and such who are using this program as part of a very long term discipleship program for their youth. This program is much bigger then we could have imagined outside of this camp. It's wonderful!
We are fully unpacked, minus books, but we need to buy new bookshelves before we can unpack those. We are also busy starting to paint and make this home a little more personal. I am very excited at the amount of space we have! It's almost too big for us at this stage in our life, but hopefully we will grow into it as a family. There are so many deer and elk around as well. We saw a HUGE elk on our driveway the other day (which is 8 miles of dirt road.) And a 6 point axis deer right out our back door the other afternoon. Apparently, all axis deer are 6 points, but they are measured by the length of the spread of the rack, so I don't know what that would have been. But they are pretty deer with lots of spots. We also have some regulars at our hummingbird feeder as well as a "mud" type nest under the awning of our front porch with one little speckled egg and two beautiful parents with blue feathers and yellow bellies.
It's been good getting to know some of our fellow staff, but they are very busy right now too, as the summer college staff have just arrived and training is in full swing for two more weeks until the first week of campers arrives. It's so beautiful here, and I am anxious to see how the summer runs around here. It's a little different to be the full time staff with a child, when my camp experience has always been the summer staff, playing with full time staff children in spare time. It's a whole new perspective, but I'm very excited about it.
I had my first tiny bit of missing Louisville last night. I was looking at my profile picture which is on Southern's campus, and it made me miss the pretty quad and the green grass. I know when we are fully settled and I begin to set into a routine, I will realize all that has been left behind and miss it a lot for a while. But that's how it works. We always have something to grieve when starting something new. It's inevitable, but I have an amazing husband to love on me while we miss things here and there. But, as for right now, I'd just like this painting to be done!!!

Tidbits of Us
- Jaclyn
- I am the wife of an amazing man, seeking hard after God's will for his family, and the mother of 3 beautiful little girls and a 4th baby lost in pregnancy, who all pull at my heartstrings continually. Life has been a whirlwind since our wedding in 2008, including seminary, adventures in camp ministry, missions in Kosovo, and countless moves and God's fingerprints are throughout it all. We are blessed and encouraged that He is equipping us continually for the ministry ahead and pray we are great stewards to all he has entrusted to us, in family, friends, ministry, finances, and of course, the gospel.
Sounds exciting and crazy and wonderful :) Can't wait to see more pictures and hear more about your life in Texas!