Lists are in no real order and are added to, but started as of June 3, 2011. I also decided to number them when complete, along with the date I finished the book, just for my own liking...
- Son's of Encouragement, Rivers
- Chronicles of Narnia (first two read in college), Lewis
- Scarlet Thread, Rivers
- Leota's Garden, Rivers
The Shofar Blew, RiversHer Mother's Hope, RiversHer Daughter's Dream, Rivers- Inkheart, Funke
- Talesin, Lawhead
Ice Station Zebra, Maclean- The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald
- Alas, Babylon, Frank
When Crickets Cry, MartinSafely Home, Alcorn **Free review Book**- A Good and Perfect Gift, Becker **Free review Book**
Simplify Your Spiritual Life, Whitney- Praying the Names of God, Spangler
- Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer
- Knowing God, Tozer (reread)
- Pursuit of God, Packer (reread)
- Lessons I Learned in the Dark, Rothschild
- Created to be His Help Meet, Pearl (restart and finally finish it)
- Creative Counterpart, Dillow (restart and finally finish it)
- A Woman After God's Own Heart, George (restart and finally finish it)
- The Allure of Hope, Meyers (restart and finally finish it)
- Guilt-free Motherhood, Parenting with Godly Wisdom, Slattery
Seeing the Unseen, Hunt **Free review book**No Longer a Slumdog, Yohannan **Free review book**Spiritual Warfare for Women, McCoy **Free review book**- Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild, Kassian
- Praise Her in the Gates, Wilson
- Real Marriage, Driscoll **Free review book**